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The World Of De Alonso

A penchant for ancient antiquity  sowed the seed that planted the desire to create De Alonso Jewels, established in 2013. 


Jewellery Designer Mina De Alonso, was inspired by the restrained elegance of the Ancient Worlds and had the dream of bringing Old World craftsmanship to the forefront of a fast paced, tech savvy world. this, coupled with a love for the earth,  and all the beautiful stones formed over millions of years gave her a deeper perspective.


"I marvel in awe that our planet has created such beauty. With everything available at the click of a fingertip, I cherish the stones that took countless epochs to create naturally. No synthetic stone could replace the divine countenance of a natural one.  These stones, then blended with ancient craftsmanship results in resplendence,  that lasts thousands and thousands of years ~ long after  we're gone"


"the embellishments of ancient jewels, made by hand, were a testament to the hours of discipline, love and commitment put into creating works of art  by these old ancestors."


With a passion for bringing the old ways of jewellery craftsmanship back into a modern world, mina  set about creating a line of her own 'Old World' inspired, one of a kind pieces, resulting in the birth of De Alonso.



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